Vegan Package Swap: German Edition

Hi everyone. I want to post more in the new year but I do find myself still struggling with using wordpress and I think that keeps me from logging in as much as I’d like to. I should probably either take some sort of course to learn more or go to blogger.

Way back in November I did a package swap, international this time! We didn’t get each others packages until December. It was worth the wait! So much fun to get a package of vegan and GF treats from another country. And it was sugar-free too!

tigertee swarz tofu

Schwarzwald Tofu: this was a delicious marinated tofu. I wish we could get gluten-free tofu like this in the states. Everything here usually had soy sauce or something to gluten it up.

Tigertee: a fruity rooibos tea. What a cute package too.

Gluten-free Beer: I don’t drink due to my medications and for health reasons (It causes increased pain) but I did have a small sip of this on Christmas to celebrate. I shared with my family, who drink on a more frequent basis, said it was quite good. It tasted very much like the beer I remember.

Raw Bite: These were very similar to the US’s Larabar. Very tasty.

Lupin Spread: This was really tasty spread on a rice cracker. I wish I could replicate it in a recipe. I haven’t even seen lupin seeds anywhere in the US.

Tartex: We can’t figure out what this is! It seems like it’s very rich and fatty. Maybe a German version of vegemite?

Overall I was very pleased with my package. I decided to take a break from the package swaps for December and January due to my other Etsy things I was already at the post office enough and I had signed up for a few Secret Santas. I like that one can choose each month whether to join.

Hope you are having a good week.